Another day at the beach

The beach was really fun.I was not intimidated by the water this time. And, I met a new friend …People meet Arthur!


Here’s us greeting each other and finding out if we’re going to be good with each other.

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Once the niceties were done, it was time to have fun. And boy, did we have a great time. We chased each other in the water and found a lot of treasures from under water, half of which were taken from us because it was not safe. Oh- Pish Posh! Humans!

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That’s Arthur wanting me to chase him after I found a bottle that no one wanted.

I found a nice log which I played fetch with my humans for a long time.

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we had such great fun at the beach. Once it was time to go hime, I was so tired I could barely keep my eyes open.

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But, yes, it was a great day. I love hanging out with my humans. And I put the word ‘fun’ in their lives 🙂

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“Dogs are our link to paradise. They don’t know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring–it was peace.”

― Milan Kundera

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